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Serviceman of the State Border Service detained for shooting his comrades-in-arms

Junior sergeant of the State Border Service (SBS) Elkhan Avazly, who shot his comrades-in-arms, was detained, reports.

So, as a result of operational-search activities, E. Avazly was found on January 3, 2021, at about 00:30, in the territory of the village of Malkhalaf, Lachin district, and detained as a suspect.

The leadership of the General Prosecutor’s Office took the criminal case under special control and entrusted the continuation of the investigation to the Investigation Department of the Military Prosecutor’s Office.

Currently, intensive investigative actions are ongoing to establish all the circumstances of the incident.

The progress of the investigation will be announced later.

On January 2, 2021, at about 18:00, junior sergeant Elkhan Avazly, for unknown reasons, opened fire from his service weapon on his colleagues.

As a result of the shooting, three servicemen were killed – senior lieutenant Yusif Ismayilov, junior warrant officers Amil Jalilzade and Rafail Ibragimov. After that, E. Avazly threw down his weapon and fled the scene.

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