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Head of YouTube channel arrested for fraudulent activities

The Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General carried out operational-search measures based on complaints received that the head of the Bəyaz TV YouTube channel, Bahram Rustamov, commits extortion and fraud against citizens, reports.

During the investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that B. Rustamov, posing as a journalist, demanded money from the heads of educational institutions in the Samukh region, threatening that he would post false information about violations allegedly observed there on an Internet resource.

In addition, he promised to release a resident of Baku from criminal liability, and to help a veteran of the Patriotic War to register for housing, etc., thereby provoking them to pay bribes.

During the preliminary investigation, it also turned out that B. Rustamov, in order to carry out criminal activities he established a Civil Control Council under Bəyaz TV.Az LLC, of ​​which he was himself the chairman.

B. Rustamov was accused under articles 178.2.2, 178.2.3 (repeated fraud committed by a person using his official position), 182.2.2 (repeated extortion) and 32.4, 312.2 (incitement to give a bribe) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in his respect, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen.

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