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Prosecutor General’s Office on the results of the combat to crime in 2021

Speaking on January 24, 2022 at an expanded meeting of the Board of the Prosecutor General’s Office dedicated to the results of 2021, Prosecutor General Kamran Aliyev touched upon all areas of the combat to crime in the country, APA reports.

In particular, he noted that last year 21,206 persons who committed crimes were identified. 94 percent of these crimes were committed by men, 5.5 percent by women. The number of juveniles who committed crimes amounted to 346 people. A measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen in 2020 in relation to 5225 people, and in 2019 in relation to 4784 people.

As a result of measures taken last year to identify and trace assets in the field of special confiscation, 227 real estate objects, 83 land plots, 314 vehicles, 51 card accounts and 22 current accounts in various banks belonging to the accused were identified. In fact, 109 vehicles and 12 real estate belonging to the defendants were found, and the necessary measures were taken to confiscate property located abroad.

As a manifestation of the effective cooperation of the organization with foreign partners, 32 people who were hiding abroad, accused of committing grave and especially grave crimes, were detained and extradited to Azerbaijan.

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