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Criminal case against heads of news agency sent to court

The Main Department for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General has completed the investigation of a criminal case on illegal actions of the founder of Cemiyyet News Agency LLC Asaf Novruzov and editor Mehsud Safarov, the information Internet portal reports. The materials of the case were sent for consideration to the Baku Court for Grave Crimes.

During the investigation, it was established that these citizens, having entered into a preliminary conspiracy, at various times extorted money from officials, threatening to publish compromising and untrue information in information resources.

Thus, they appropriated a total of 2,900 manats.

A. Novruzov and M. Safarov were charged under Articles 182.2.1 and 182.2.2 (extortion committed by a group of persons by prior agreement and repeatedly) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. By a court decision, a measure of restraint in the form of detention was chosen in relation to them.

The Prosecutor General’s Office recommends that persons who encounter similar illegal actions report this to the call center of the supervisory agency 961 and the hotline of the Main Anti-Corruption Department 161, as well as contact the official pages on social networks.

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