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Charged person with taking bribes to face a court

The criminal case against the former head of the Sabunchi district department of the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription for Military Service of the city of Baku has been sent to court, reports.

Thus, as a result of the investigation conducted in connection with the illegal actions of the former head of the department, Rovshan Babaev and others, a criminal case was initiated under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

During the investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that during 2016-2019, R. Babayev, who held the above position, the senior officer of the conscription department for active military service Yashar Huseynov, as well as the medical staff of the City Clinical Hospital No. 3 in Baku and others, united to a group of persons by prior agreement received bribes from 11 conscripts totaling 22,800 manats for exemption from military service.

On the basis of sufficient evidence collected in the case, Rovshan Babayev, Yashar Huseynov and others were charged under Articles 311.3.1, 311.3.2 (receiving a bribe by an official for illegal actions, by a group of persons by prior agreement or by an organized group repeatedly) and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan .

The criminal case was sent for consideration to the Baku Military Court.

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