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Man detained after opening fire on police

Police disarmed a man in Beylagan region, news portal reports.

So, on November 29, 2021, at 23:00, two officers of the district police department serving in the village of Ashagi Chemenli, Beylagan region, saw that a citizen had a hunting rifle in his hands, approached him with a demand to show documents for him.

The man resisted them and opened fire. As a result, one of the policemen was wounded in the leg.

Despite this, the police were able to disarm him and deliver him to the department. It turned out to be a local resident Eldaniz Alyshov. The unregistered gun was confiscated.

Police officer Sarvan Chiragzade received first aid and is in a satisfactory condition.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated under Article 315 (resistance or use of violence against a representative of the authorities) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. An investigation is underway.

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