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Criminal case against officials sent to court

The criminal case against officials of the Beylagan Agricultural Production Enterprise LLC has been sent to court, the Internet news portal reports.

The Main Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General completed an investigation of violations revealed in the activities of this enterprise.

During the investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that Cherkez Shirinov and Ramazan Huseynov, who at various times held the position of director of the company, colluded with the chief accountant, agronomist and other employees and received from the sale of funds to the treasury of the enterprise and in other illegal ways appropriated 157,000 manats.

Ch. Shirinov and others were charged under Articles 179.2.1 (misappropriation or embezzlement committed by a group of persons by prior agreement), 179.2.3 (misappropriation or embezzlement committed by a person using his official position), 179.2.4 (misappropriation or embezzlement, committed by a person causing significant damage), 308.1 (abuse of power), 313 (forgery), 314.2 (negligence resulting in grave consequences) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The materials of the criminal case were sent to the court for consideration. In the course of the investigation, partial compensation for the damage caused was provided.

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