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The process of conferring the title of “Veteran of War” and an appointment of the Presidential pension has begun

At the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, on the basis of a list previously agreed by the State Security Service and the State Border Service with the Cabinet of Ministers, the military personnel of these structures who took part in the hostilities for the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan from September 27 to November 10, 2020, were awarded the title of “Veteran of War”.

Information about the participants of the Patriotic War from the State Border Service is included in the subsystem “Zefer” of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population.

From January 1, 2022, military personnel whose data is entered into the subsystem are assigned a monthly Presidential pension in the amount of 80 manats.
Assignment of pensions is carried out through an electronic system, without the submission of any documents, without the appeal of military personnel. Regardless of the date of awarding the title, payment will be made from January 1, 2022.

Currently, work is underway to award the rank and assign payments to military personnel of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription for Military Service, etc.

The process of awarding the title of “Veteran of War” to all participants in the Patriotic War and the appointment of a monthly Presidential pension will be fully completed in the coming days.

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