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V. Safarli’s appeal complaint accepted for proceedings

An appeal complaint against the judgement against the former executive director of the abolished State Support Fund for the Development of Mass Media (KİVDF) Vugar Safarli has been accepted for proceedings, the information Internet portal reports citing his lawyer Hikmet Aliyev.

According to the lawyer, the complaint will be considered under the chairmanship of the judge of the Baku Court of Appeal Faig Gasimov.

V. Safarli insists on a judgement of not guilty.

Earlier, the Main Department for Combating Corruption completed a preliminary investigation into a criminal case on the illegal actions of employees of the abolished State Support Fund for Media Development.

Based on the collected evidence, V. Safarli and others were charged under Articles 179.4 (misappropriation with the infliction of especially large damage), 193-1.3. grave consequences), 313 (official forgery) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

V. Safarli was sentenced to 10 years and 6 months in prison by the decision of the Baku Grave Crimes Court to be served in a strict regime correctional institution, and a measure of restraint in the form of police supervision was chosen for other persons.

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