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Murder due to insults on a social network

On November 9, 2021, the Nizami District Prosecutor’s Office of the city of Baku received information that a resident of the city, Natig Ramazanov, born in 1991, who had been stabbed and died on the way to the hospital, informs

During the operational-search activities, a resident of the capital, Ali Musaev, born in 1982, was detained and brought to the investigation as a suspect.

According to preliminary data, A. Musayev made an appointment with N. Ramazanov to sort things out because of his obscene statements on the Tik-Tok social network.

During a quarrel that took place between them on Gara Garaev Avenue in the Nizami district of the capital, Musayev stabbed Ramazanov in the upper part of his right thigh, as a result of which the latter died on the way to the hospital.

In fact, the prosecutor’s office of the Nizami region initiated a criminal case under Article 126.3 (Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, negligently resulting in the death of the victim) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The necessary investigative measures are ongoing in the case.

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