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The former head of the apparatus of the capital’s executive power was released ahead of schedule

The Baku Court of Appeal, chaired by Judge Ibrahim Ibrahimli, considered the appeal of the former chief of staff of the Executive Power of Baku city Rasim Guliyev, reports.

The court decided to change the sentence of R. Guliyev and release him on parole with a trial period of 2 years.

A criminal case was initiated against the former official under Articles 308.2 (abuse of power with grave consequences), 314-2.3 (allocation of land plots, or issuance of a permit for construction or installation work in violation of the rules established by law) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. R. Guliyev was sentenced to three years in prison by the decision of the Baku Grave Crimes Court.

Recall that in 2018, R. Guliyev served as head of the apparatus of the Executive Power of the capital. At that time, Hajibala Abutalibov was the head of Baku city executive power.

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