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A chief doctor of the hospital of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was sentenced

The trial of Imran Agayev, chief doctor of the modular hospital of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who was arrested on charges of bribery, has completed, reports.

By the judgement of the Baku Court for Grave Crimes, Agayev was sentenced to 8 years and 3 months in prison.

According to the indictment, Imran Agayev, in collusion with other officials of the hospital, took a bribe in the amount of 10.5 thousand manats from patients to place them in the “VIP building” of the hospital. In addition, it became known that Agayev received AZN 51,600 from persons whom he transported to the hospital of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in ambulances belonging to the “Medi Style” clinic, which he then headed, and extorted bribes in the amount of 5,000 manats from some employees of the hospital. 

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