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Former head of executive power sentenced to 11 years in prison files appeal

Mahir Guliyev, the former head of the Bilasuvar District Executive Power, who is under arrest, has filed an appeal against the sentence of the Lankaran Court for Grave Crimes, reports.

The accused appealed to the Shirvan Court of Appeal. The complaint will be considered as soon as possible.

The ex-head of the Executive Power was detained on April 29, 2020 during an operation carried out by the State Security Service. M. Guliyev was charged under Articles 179 (misappropriation and embezzlement), 308.1 (abuse of power), 311.3.2 (repeated bribery) and 313 (forgery) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. By a court decision, a preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen against him.

The Lankaran Grave Crimes Court sentenced M. Guliyev to 11 years in prison.

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