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Arrested for welfare fraud

Based on the appeals received by the Bilasuvar district prosecutor’s office about the illegal actions of Elman Nuriyev, a resident of the village of Ashagy Jurali, an investigation was carried out, APA reports.

So, from August 24, 2021, E. Nuriyev, who was involved in public works at DOST İsh Merkezi LLC, introduced himself as an employee of the State Employment Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, that is, an official, promised 29 people to get them a job, and also provide them with state targeted social assistance. Having abused their trust, he fraudulently embezzled 16,000 manats and also incited them to pay bribes.

In fact, a criminal case has been initiated in the Bilasuvar District Prosecutor’s Office under Articles 178.2.2, 178.2.4 of the Criminal Code (repeated fraud causing large damage) and 32.4, 312.1 (incitement to give a bribe) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. By a court decision, a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against E. Nuriyev. The criminal investigation is ongoing.

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