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Suspects of misappropriation of money from bank cards of citizens detained

Employees of the 4th station of the Main Police Department of the city of Ganja detained suspects of stealing money from citizens’ bank cards, reports. The detainees committed a robbery in front of ATMs in the city, abusing the trust of people.

It was established that Sakhavet Mammadov and Jabir Askerov embezzled money from the bank cards of several citizens, thereby inflicting damage on them in the total amount of 1,000 manats.

The police do not rule out that the detainees committed similar crimes not only in the territory of Ganja, but also in other cities and regions of the republic. Therefore, citizens who have suffered from the actions of these persons are advised to contact the Main Police Department of the city of Ganja, service 102 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or the police authorities at their place of residence.

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