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Persons who stole a truck of a foreign company appeared in court

The preliminary investigation on the criminal case of Elnur Alypashayev, Zakhir Asadullayev and Ismayil Mamishov, accused of hijacking a truck belonging to a foreign company in Khojavend, has been completed, reports.

The materials of the criminal case collected against the accused were sent for consideration to the Lankaran Court for Grave Crimes. The criminal case has been transferred to Judge Ali Aliyev.

During the investigation, it was established that the men, having entered into an agreement, arrived at the location of the company and after some time, having stolen a Hovo truck, delivered it to Sumgayit. Law enforcement officers found the car and seized it as material evidence.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated in the district police department under article 177.3.2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The court chose a measure of restraint in the form of arrest in relation to the above persons.

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