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Former police officer’s sentence toughened

In the Sheki Court for Grave Crimes, the former senior inspector of the registration and identification group of the Ujar District Police Department, Shahin Akhmedov (born in 1985), toughened his earlier sentence in a criminal case on bribery and forgery of documents, reports with reference to Qafqazinfo. The term of arrest of Sh.Ahmedov was extended for another four months.

During the investigation, it was established that a resident of the Zardab region, Sh. Akhmedov, when he was a senior inspector, entered into a criminal conspiracy with a group of police officers and an Iranian citizen and, having abused his official position and grossly violated the requirements of the law, provided several citizens of Iran with an identity card of a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It turned out that for large bribes, he registered in various villages of the Ujar region several Iranian citizens who did not have relevant certificates from the State Migration Service, whom he had not even seen in person, and gave them fake documents.

In 2019, Sh. Ahmedov and members of his group were arrested. By the verdict of the Sheki Grave Crimes Court, he was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 8 years and 6 months. However, the Sheki Court of Appeal toughened the punishment, increasing the term of arrest to 9 years and 6 months.

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