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The Center for Legal Expertise and Legislative Initiatives is looking for specialists

A competition for vacant positions at the Center for Legal Expertise and Legislative Initiatives has been announced, reports.

There are four vacancies in the Public Expertise Department: the head of the department, two positions of the chief specialist and the leading specialist.

There are four more vacancies in the Special Law Examining Division: Head of Division, Chief Specialist and two positions of Leading Specialist.

Three vacancies in the Department of Legislative Initiatives and Monitoring – Head of Department, Chief Specialist and Leading Specialist.

Minimum requirements for candidates: a bachelor’s degree in law, three years of experience in the field of law, knowledge of at least one foreign language.

From among the declared candidates, only those who are more suitable for the declared positions will be invited to the competition. The competition will consist of two stages – a written exam and an interview. Interviews will only be conducted with those who have successfully passed the stage of the written examination.

Interested candidates should fill in their application forms (resume), they can send it by e-mail

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