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A criminal case was initiated against the founder of the “” news portal

The Main Department for Combat Corruption under the Prosecutor General’s Office carried out operational-search activities based on an appeal received about an official who embezzled a citizen’s money under the pretext of deleting photos about his personal life from Internet resources, Prosecutor General’s Office told APA.

Thus, during the operational-search activities, solid suspicions were established that the founder of LLC and the news portal of the same name, Samandar Niftaliyev, having entered into an agreement with his acquaintance Hamza Huseynli in advance, gave false promises that from the pages of the media and social networks, video frames about the personal life of a citizen will be removed so that they are not distributed among the general mass of users, and in this way 2,800 manats were appropriated.

Based on the materials collected, a criminal case was initiated under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, Samandar Niftaliyev and Hamza Huseynli were charged under Art. 178.2.1 of this Code and a preventive measure in the form of house arrest was chosen against them by a court decision.

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