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A person arrested who called for reprisals against judges

A man who openly called for terror against judges was identified and arrested, reports with reference to the press service of the State Security Service (SSS) of Azerbaijan

“The State Security Service conducted an investigation into the publication of photographs on social networks of judges who were conducting a trial in criminal cases on mass riots provoked on July 10, 2018 in Ganja by a group of religious radicals and accompanied by a violation of public order, acts of violence, armed resistance to government officials, drawing them with injuries of varying severity and the premeditated murder of two officers, and calls for reprisals against these judges, as well as in connection with information received from the Supreme Court on the above facts.

As a result of complex operational and investigative measures carried out on a criminal case initiated under Article 214-2 (open calls for terrorism) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, it was established that photos of the judges who passed the sentence were published from the Facebook profile belonging to a foreign citizen Muhandis Bayramov defendants in the Ganja riots case, and open calls to crack down on judges in order to disrupt public order, intimidate the population and influence decision-making by state authorities. In this regard, M. Bayramov was put on the wanted list

As a result of the activities carried out by the State Security Service, he was detained and arrested. The investigation of the criminal case against him has been completed, the case materials have been sent to the court for consideration.

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