Bribe-takers from government
According to IA REGNUM the main investigation department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in St. Petersburg has completed investigation of criminal proceedings against a head of the Committee on Telecommunications and Information of the Government of Leningrad Region who is accused of taking bribes (part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code).
According to investigators, the defendant repeatedly demanded from a Director General of one of commercial structures to give him a bribe in the amount of not less than three 3 mln. 500 rubles for the preparation of acts of handover of the executed works under a state contract between a commercial structure and committee of which he was responsible executor as well as facilitating it signature by a deputy chairman of the committee.
A son of the accused, being in restaurant had received from a representative of the commercial structure a required amount of 500 thousand rubles, then he and his father had been detained by law enforcement officials.
It does not reported what happened to a deputy chairman of the committee.
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