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A criminal case has been initiated against an employee who embezzled money from the company

On the basis of an appeal about embezzlement of funds from the Agrarian Innovation and Sales Company CJSC, an investigation was conducted at the Fizuli District Prosecutor’s Office, reports citing the prosecutor’s office.

In the course of the investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that Shamo Garayev, who worked as a warehouse seller at the CJSC, appropriated the funds received by him on the basis of acceptance certificates in the amount of 15,362 manats, proceeds from the sale of various products.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated in the district prosecutor’s office under articles 179.2.3 (misappropriation or embezzlement by a person using his official position) and 179.2.4 (with causing significant damage) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The investigation is ongoing.

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