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The European Court is blind and deaf

In the complaint no. 21674 of Rahimova Natalia Anufrievna against Azerbaijan the European Court acknowledged an existence of violations of Art. 6 and Art. 13 of the European Convention but it refused to fair compensation pointing out that ostensibly the complainant did not apply about it.

Meanwhile, a complaint of Rahimova N.A. contains a requirement (petition) for just compensation which is contained in two sheets, as it is easily seen.

Correspondence with the European Court has nothing given. The Court remains unchanged and the Grand Chamber has not accepted complaint.

Decision of the European court on the case of Rahimova N.A. was not executed; her second petition waits for the right moment to be recognized inadmissible.

As analysts say, a decision in favor of Rahimova was taken for the report. Instead of the case of small economic dispute the Court dismissed a complaint on other gross violations of human rights and freedoms which the Azerbaijani government “asked” not to decide.

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