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Chairman of the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic arrested

The Sabail District Court of Baku city considered the petition of the investigator against the Chairman of the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Rustamov Hijran Yagub oglu in connection with the ongoing criminal case in the State Security Service, APA reports. By a court decision of December 13, 2022, Hijran Rustamov was given a measure of restraint in the form of arrest.

As part of the ongoing criminal case, Hijran Rustamov is accused of abuse of office and embezzlement of 212 million 361 thousand manats of public funds intended for construction and improvement work on the territory of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic.

It should be noted that earlier in this case, various high-ranking officials of the State Customs Committee of the Nakhchivan AR and the Minister of Finance of the NAR were brought to justice and arrested.

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