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A large consignment of medicines delivered from Iran was detained at the airport

Employees of the Main Customs Administration for Air Transport prevented the illegal import of a large batch of medicines into the country, APA reports citing the State Customs Committee.

It is reported that the medicines were found when checking the contents of the luggage of a citizen of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who arrived in our country on a Tehran-Baku flight.

295 konvalets, 169 ampoules, 6 blisters, 17 vials and 77 different medicines, including 10 ointments, were found with him. Among the drugs found were Alprozolam, Oxazepam, Clonezepam and Alprokim, which belong to the 3rd list of psychotropic substances, the circulation of which is controlled on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The fact is being investigated.

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