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The term of punishment for employees of a military hospital accused of bribery has been increased

The Baku Court of Appeal considered a protest against the verdict against the head of the department of the Main Clinical Hospital of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan Vusal Eyvazov and another employee of the medical institution Hussein Agayev, accused of bribery, reports. The panel of judges, chaired by Judge David Babayev, partially satisfied the protest of the public prosecutor and the sentence for both accused was increased by one year.

As a result of the complex operational and investigative measures, V. Eyvazov and G. Agayev were caught red-handed by employees of the State Security Service. V. Eyvazov was charged under article 311.3.2 (repeated receipt of a bribe by an official) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, G. Agayev – 32.5, 311.3.2 (receiving a bribe as an accomplice).

By a court decision, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against them. The Baku Military Court applied article 62 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the accused.

V. Eyvazov was sentenced to two years in prison, G. Agayev to one year and six months.

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