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A person who fraudulently embezzled a large amount of money was detained

A person suspected of fraud and extortion of money through the use of threats was detained in Shirvan, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country.

So, on the basis of complaints from citizens, a local resident, Igbal Mikayilov, was detained, who committed fraud against them on an especially large scale. During the preliminary investigation, it turned out that I. Mikayilov, having given false promises to one of the residents of the city to create a joint business, embezzled 44,000 manats belonging to him, and then began to threaten the victim so as not to return the money received. In addition, the detainee deceived another citizen, taking 10,000 manats from him under the pretext of helping to prepare some documents.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated in the Shirvan District Police Department, and a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against I. Mikayilov. The investigation into this matter is ongoing.

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