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Police operation: drug dealers detained

As a result of operational-search activities carried out over the past two days by the staff of the Agdash District Police Department, five suspects of drug trafficking were detained. About 3 kg of drugs were found and confiscated from them, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the first operation, carried out by the officers of the criminal investigation department and the anti-drug group, Radik Hajiyev, who had previously been repeatedly convicted, was detained. During a personal search, as well as a search in his house, 1.4 kg of marijuana was found.

As a result of other operations, four more residents of the district were detained and handed over to the investigation – Rashad Ismayilov, Nijat Mammadov, Murad Salimov and Taleh Azizov. During a personal search, 1.5 kg of marijuana was found and seized from them.

During the investigation, it turned out that some of the detainees had previously been convicted of similar crimes.

According to these facts, criminal cases have been initiated, and the investigation is ongoing.

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