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Detained for fraud

In Baku, fraud was committed against 18 people, including veterans and invalids of the Karabakh wars, reports

Accused of fraud, R. Eminli promised to restore the issuance of disability benefits to veterans and invalids of the Karabakh wars, as well as to other persons who had their pensions suspended, and appropriated a total of 94,200 manats from them.

Realizing that they were deceived, the victims turned to law enforcement agencies.

The man was arrested and brought to justice. A criminal case was initiated against R. Eminli under articles 178.2.2 and 178.2.4 (fraud committed repeatedly and causing significant damage) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and a measure of restraint in the form of a written undertaking not to leave was chosen.

The investigation into the case is ongoing. A preliminary court hearing has been scheduled for February 1, 2023.

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