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Robbery committed 22 years ago solved

A robbery committed 22 years ago has been uncovered in Masalli, Report news agency reports citing the press service of the Lankaran Regional Group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

So, on February 16, 2001, at about 21:00, 3 masked men broke into the house of Gulhuseyn Najafov in the village of Yeyenkend, Masalli region, and, threatening him with a machine gun and a sawn-off shotgun, took 500 US dollars, rubles (the amount is being determined), a gold ring and a mobile phone.

In this regard, a criminal case was initiated under Article 181 of the Criminal Code (Robbery).

On the basis of operational data received the other day in connection with the commission of this crime, employees of the police department of the Masalli region identified the criminals.

A resident of the Yevlakh region, previously convicted Jalal Gakhramanov (b. 1964), as well as two other suspects in the crime – Jumshud Nazarov (b. 1967) and Elshan Abbasov (b. 1969) were detained.

The detainee J. Gakhramanov confessed to the crime committed 22 years ago.

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