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Officials detained for accepting bribes in connection with conscription

As a result of operational-search activities carried out by the Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General, officials of the Sabunchi District Department of the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription were caught red-handed while receiving bribes from citizens, Report news agency reported citing the press service of the General prosecutors.

Reasonable suspicions were established that the head of the mobilization department, Adil Huseynov, received a bribe in exchange for issuing a deliberately false medical report in order to extend the temporary unfitness for military service for 3 years, and the head of the conscription department, Togrul Iskenderov, received a bribe in exchange for a conclusion on unfitness for military service. service.

During a search of these officials and their office premises, evidence in the case was found and confiscated.

Adil Huseynov and Togrul Iskenderov were brought as defendants under Articles 311.3.2 and 311.3.3 (taking a large bribe) of the Criminal Code and, on the basis of a court decision, they were given a preventive measure in the form of detention.

Investigative measures in the case are ongoing.

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