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Former official accused of fraud for half a million manats

A criminal case has been initiated against the former head of the Khachmaz Regional Department of Justice under the Ministry of Justice Javanshir Avazov, reports citing APA. He is accused of illegally seizing land by putting pressure on municipalities.

According to the indictment, J. Avazov used his official powers to register land plots illegally acquired from municipalities in the names of his relatives.

A criminal case was initiated against the ex-official under articles 178.4 (fraud committed with causing especially large damage) and 308.2 (abuse of official powers) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a preventive measure alternative to arrest was chosen.

J. Avazov was relieved of his post some time ago in connection with a criminal case.

The damage caused by the recognized victims in the case to the municipalities and the State Property Service is more than 500,000 manats.

In connection with this fact, a judicial investigation has been launched.

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