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Police detained suspected robbery

Persons suspected of committing a theft have been detained in Goygol, Report informs citing the Ganja regional group of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan.

According to the information, as a result of operational-search activities carried out jointly by employees of the Goygol district police department and the Sarysu police department, suspected resident of Goygol district Samir Amirov and resident of Goranboy district Umud Yusibov were detained, suspected of stealing an engine and other spare parts for a total of 4,700 manats from a flour mill owned by a citizen in the village of Panahlılar.

As a result of the investigative and operational measures taken against the suspects, reasonable suspicions arose that on June 6 and 7, 2023, they stole a total of 18 units of small ruminants belonging to individual citizens.

On both facts, criminal cases have been initiated in the Goygol RPD, and an investigation is underway.

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