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Person who appropriated the confiscated property was brought to criminal responsibility

During the investigation, based on the materials received by the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan from the State Customs Committee (SCC) in relation to officials of this structure, the criminal actions of officials of Capitals Auction LLC were exposed, reports with reference to the supervisory agency.

Thus, during the investigation conducted by the General Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General, reasonable suspicions arose that Anar Jalilov, when he was the director of the said LLC, knowingly entered false information into official documents about the alleged acquisition by a citizen at an auction at a low price of confiscated medicines in the amount of AZN 30,000, accepted by him on the basis of an official letter from the Azerterminalcomplex association of the State Customs Committee.

Based on the evidence collected, A. Jalilov was charged under Articles 308.1 (abuse of power) and 313 (forgery) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the criminal case was sent to the court for consideration.

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