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Students charged with robbery and extortion face severe punishment

The Baku Grave Crimes Court has sentenced a group of students accused of robbery and blackmail against 19 people, reports. According to the court judgement, the leader of the criminal group Sadig Ovchiev was sentenced to 10, Elnur Veliyev – 11, Agababa Musaev, Nihat Rahimli and Agshin Mammadov – to 11 years and 6 months in prison. Arrested with them, Subkhan Khanlarov was sentenced to a restriction of freedom with the wearing of an electronic bracelet.

All of them were found guilty under Articles 181 (robbery) and 182 (extortion) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

During the investigation, it turned out that Sadig and Agshin were students of the College of Architecture and Construction, Nihat and Elnur – of the Azerbaijan Technical University, Agababa – of the Medical College No. 2, and Subkhan – of the Academy of Physical Education and Sports. They were expelled from educational institutions.

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