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Drug couriers detained in Jalilabad

More than 10 kilograms of drugs were found and confiscated from drug couriers detained in Jalilabad, Day.Az reports. As a result of operational activities carried out by the police department of the Geytepe of the Jalilabad District Police Department, a resident of the Salyan region, Elgun Jabrayilov, and a resident of the Absheron region, Etibar Ismayilov, were detained suspected of drug trafficking.

During the inspection of E. Jabrayilov’s bag, a total of 5,400 grams of heroin, 3,700 grams of hashish resin, two kilograms of marijuana and 200 methadone tablets packaged in separate packages were found and seized.

During the preliminary investigation, it was established that the detainees were supposed to organize the sale of drugs purchased from a drug dealer living in Iran, delivering them to Baku at different addresses.

With regard to both persons, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen by a court decision. The matter is under investigation.

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