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Criminal case on misappropriation of 90,000 manat sent to court

In the Absheron region, a criminal case has been sent to the court on embezzlement of 90,000 manats that belonged to the company, reports with reference to the district prosecutor’s office.

Thus, the investigation of the criminal case initiated by the district prosecutor’s office in relation to the illegal actions of Israfil Abbaszade, who worked as the supply and logistics manager of the open joint-stock company (OJSC) A + CO, operating in the city of Khirdalan, has been completed. The investigation revealed that I. Abbaszade embezzled more than 90,000 manats, which were obtained through the sale of vehicles belonging to the JSC to individuals, as well as various types of products and in other illegal ways.

Based on the evidence collected in the case, I. Abbaszadeh was charged under Articles 179.3.2 (Misappropriation or embezzlement), 308.2 (Abuse of power) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. The criminal case was sent for consideration to the Sumgayit Court for Grave Crimes.

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