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Detained for misappropriation of 350 thousand manats

The investigation of the criminal case initiated by the district prosecutor’s office on the fact of illegal actions of the accountant of Facade LLC, Zəhmət-Ruzi LLC and the Dübrar water plant Khayal Rashidov and the former executive director of this enterprise Shamil Agajanov has been completed, reports with reference to the Absheron district prosecutor’s office.

The investigation established that Kh. Rashidov and Sh. Agajanov, having previously agreed, appropriated the funds belonging to the companies Facade LLC (106.746 manats), Zehmet-Ruzi LLC (81.191 manats) and the Dubrar plant (161.534 manats), in total 349.471 manats, by interference in the online banking system (Internet banking).

On the basis of the evidence collected in the case, Kh. Rashidov and Sh. Agajanov were charged under Articles 179.3.2 (Large-scale misappropriation or embezzlement), 308.2 (Abuse of power that entailed grave consequences) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and a measure of restraint in the form of detention under guards.

The criminal case was sent for consideration to the Sumgayit Court for Grave Crimes.

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