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Information security and cybersecurity strategy developed

As a result of the methodological assistance provided by the State Service for Special Communications and Information Security and the trainings conducted, more than 120 government agencies have now developed their own internal instructions on information security in accordance with the recommendations of the Coordination Commission on Information Security.

As reports, this was stated by the head of the Main Directorate of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Security, Major General Azer Akhadov, at the II Summit of IT heads of government agencies in Baku.

“In order to safely use the Internet in government agencies, strengthen information security, as well as increase employee awareness in this area, the coordination commission on information security prepared and sent to government agencies a draft “Instructions for ensuring information security” for use in accordance with the direction of its activities.

Along with this, the commission developed an “Information Security and Cybersecurity Strategy,” he emphasized.

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