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The opening ceremony of the 2nd Azerbaijan National Urban Planning Forum took place in Zangilan

On September 29, 2023, as part of the “Urban Planning Week 2023” events, held in collaboration with the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-HABITAT) and the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the opening ceremony of the 2nd National Urban Planning Forum on the topic “Sustainable cities as a driver of economic development and the fight against inequality.”

According to AZERTAC, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev spoke at the event. The President spoke about the special events held on September 19-20 in Karabakh and our country’s intentions in this operation. The head of state also delivered a message to the parties that today are hatching unacceptable plans against Azerbaijan: “I want everyone to know this. I advise the leadership of Armenia, and those who stand behind them, and those who may be thinking about some unacceptable plans regarding Azerbaijan not to test our patience once again.”

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