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Former inspector of the Ministry of Emergency Situations received 161,000 manats from citizens

The Baku Court of Appeal completed the hearing on the appeal against the verdict against Zaur Gafarov and Mamed Aliyev (names and surnames are provisional – ed.), accused of fraud and incitement to bribery, reports. The resolution was announced at the trial chaired by Judge Emin Mehdiyev, according to which Zaur Gafarov’s appeal was partially satisfied, the sentence was reduced from 4 years 6 months of imprisonment to 3 years. According to the verdict of the Baku Court for Serious Crimes, Mamed Aliyev was given a suspended sentence.

According to the indictment, Zaur Gafarov worked as an inspector in one of the departments of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES), and Mamed Aliyev worked as a driver in the representative office of Gulf Drilling in Azerbaijan. Zaur Gafarov, having entered into a conspiracy with his acquaintances Mamed Aliyev and another person, abused his position and made a false promise to a resident of the Gusar district S.M. get him a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations and received 10,000 manats from him. Together with his acquaintances, he committed fraud against several individuals and received from them a total of 161,000 manats.

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