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The court hearing on the criminal case of Vagif Khachaturyan has begun

The court hearing has begun in the criminal case of Khachaturyan Vagif Cherkezovich, accused of participation in the genocide committed on December 22, 1991 in the village of Meshali, Khojaly region, by members of illegal Armenian armed groups. Report informs, the trial is chaired by judge of the Baku Military Court Zeynal Agayev in the building of the Yasamal District Court.

58 citizens and the executive power of the Khojaly region were recognized as victims in the case. Vagif Khachaturyan is accused of participating in the massacre of Azerbaijanis in the village of Meshali, Khojaly region, as part of Armenian military formations on December 22, 1991. As a result, 27 Azerbaijanis were killed, 21 people were injured of varying degrees of severity, two village residents were taken hostage, and 340 people were expelled from their homes. In general, the village residents suffered damage in the amount of 13,568,060 manats, and the state – 130,800 manats.

On July 29, 2023, Vagif Khachaturyan was detained by servicemen of the State Border Service at the Lachin border checkpoint of the Azerbaijani-Armenian state border while trying to travel to Armenia for treatment through the mediation of the International Committee of the Red Cross. By a court decision, a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen against him. He was brought to justice as a defendant under Articles 103 (genocide) and 107 (deportation or forced relocation of the population) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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