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Another trial of Vagif Khachatryan has ended

On October 25, the next court hearing was held in the criminal case of Khachatryan Vagif Cherkezovich, accused of committing genocide in the village of Meshali, Khojaly region, committed by members of Armenian illegal armed groups. As Trend reported on Wednesday, the meeting was chaired by Zeynal Agayev, chairman of the Baku Military Court. The next court hearing is scheduled for November 1.

It is noted that Armenian citizen Khachatryan Vagif Cherkezovich, who is on the international wanted list in connection with the Meshali genocide, was detained at the Lachin checkpoint in July of this year.

In December 1991, the criminal group of which he was a member killed 25, wounded 14 and expelled 358 Azerbaijanis from their legal place of residence in the village of Meshali, Khojaly region.

In connection with the emergence of sufficiently reasonable suspicions, a decision was made to charge Vagif Khachatryan as a defendant under Articles 103 (genocide) and 107 (deportation or forced relocation of the population) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic. A preventive measure was chosen against him in the form of detention. 59 people were recognized as victims in the criminal case.

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