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A public association in connection with Western Azerbaijan has been created in France

In France, the Public Association “Protection of the Heritage of Western Azerbaijanis and the Right of Return” was created by Azerbaijanis deported from Armenia. As APA reports, the main goal of the organization is to prevent the destruction on the territory of Armenia of the rich cultural heritage created by the Azerbaijani people over the centuries, to attract the attention of the international community to this problem, and also to support the process of the peaceful return of Western Azerbaijanis to their historical ancestral lands.

The co-founder of the organization, officially registered under the name “Association pour la Protection du Patrimoine et le Droit au Retour des Azerbaïdjanais Occidentaux”, is a native of Yerevan, Zaur Sadigbeyli.

The creation of this public association will contribute to the international community receiving more information about the realities of Western Azerbaijan.

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