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4 kg of drugs seized from circulation

As a result of the operation carried out by employees of the Gabala district police department, drug couriers who organized the acceptance of online orders and delivery of contraband drugs across the country were detained, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thus, based on the operational information received, law enforcement agencies detained a resident of the Shabran district, Fuad Sultanly, and his acquaintance, a native of the Astara district, Shakhnur Aliyev. During a personal search, about 4 kg of marijuana and 64 g of heroin were found and seized in their sports bag. During the investigation, it turned out that the detainees, having fallen under the influence of an Iranian citizen named Ali, whom they met on social networks, became involved in drug trafficking. The last time they arrived from Baku to the Gabala region, they agreed to deliver the drugs hidden here to the capital for 2,000 manats.

A criminal case has been opened in connection with this fact in the Gabala district police department, and the investigation is ongoing.

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