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A former theater employee will stand trial for embezzlement of money on a large scale

A preparatory court hearing was held in Baku in the criminal case of a former theater employee accused of embezzling funds on a large scale. Report informs, at the trial chaired by the judge of the Baku Court for Serious Crimes Leyla Mamedova-Askerova, the personal details of the accused were clarified. The first court hearing in the criminal case is scheduled for January 22, 2024.

It is noted that Kerimova Ayten Jeyhun kyzy, who worked as an accountant at the Azerbaijan State Pantomime Theater since 2019, was dismissed from her position in January 2023 due to serious shortcomings in her work.

The Main Anti-Corruption Directorate under the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan initiated a criminal case under Articles 179.3.2, 308.2 and 313 of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic. The investigation into the criminal case has been completed and sent for consideration to the Baku Court of Serious Crimes. During the investigation, it turned out that during her work at the Aiten Theater, Kerimova embezzled funds in the amount of 332,000 manats in various ways. Thus, significant damage was caused to the safety of the property of the Ministry of Culture and the economical, rational use of financial resources, as well as to the interests of the ministry protected by law.

The investigation into the case has been completed and sent for consideration to the Baku Court of Serious Crimes.

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