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The Baku court began considering the appeal in the case of Vagif Khachaturyan

The Baku Court of Appeal held a preliminary hearing to consider the appeal against the court decision against Vagif Khachaturyan, accused of participating in the genocide in the village of Meshali, Khojaly region, as part of illegal Armenian armed formations. Report informs, the accused Vagif Khachaturyan testified at the trial chaired by Judge Hasan Akhmedov. He said he did not plead guilty: “I swear on my conscience that I am innocent.” Lawyer Radmila Abilova asked the court to acquit her client.

The prosecution and the representative of the executive power of the Khojaly region, Murad Huseynov, who was recognized as a victim in the case, asked the court to leave the appeal without satisfaction.

The next court hearing is scheduled for January 15, 2024.

By the verdict of the Baku Military Court, V. Khachaturyan was sentenced to 15 years in prison. He must serve the first 5 years in prison, and the rest in a maximum security penal colony.

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