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New articles have been added to the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan

In accordance with the law, which entered into force on January 19, 2024, articles 281-1 and 284-2 were added to the Criminal Code. According to Report, according to Article 281-1 of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, criminal liability is established for the demonstration, distribution, production, acquisition, wearing or transportation of attributes and symbols aimed at violating the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, for which criminal punishment is provided in the form of restriction or imprisonment for a term up to 5 years. Committing these acts on behalf of foreign organizations and their representatives is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 7 to 12 years.

New Article 284-2 of the Criminal Code provides for criminal liability for the dissemination of information about the movement or deployment of personnel, military weapons, ammunition or military equipment of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in wartime or in combat conditions. This is punishable by criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 3 to 6 years, and in case of grave consequences – imprisonment for a term of 5 to 8 years.

The State Security Service (SSS) is tasked with conducting preliminary investigations into these crimes.

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