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Lawyer accused of embezzling 15 thousand manats from his client

The Prosecutor General’s Office opened a case against a member of the Bar Association, Misir Shakhguliyev, accused of embezzling 15 thousand manats from his client and attempting to influence the decision of an official. As Report was informed by the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the investigation based on a citizen’s appeal about Shakhguliyev’s unlawful actions was conducted by the Main Anti-Corruption Directorate with the participation of the College of Lawyers.

In particular, it is alleged that the lawyer embezzled 15 thousand manats from his client, who was accused in a case of theft with major damage (Article 177.3.2 of the Criminal Code), promising him to influence the decision of the court panel to mitigate the punishment.

A criminal case was initiated under Article 312-1.1 (illegal influence on the decision of an official – trading in influence) of the Criminal Code, and a preventive measure was taken against him in the form of transfer to police supervision.

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