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Court judgment against former prosecutor

The Baku Court of Appeal has completed consideration of the appeal against the verdict against the former prosecutor of the Baku City Prosecutor’s Office Samir Nasirov and Farid Eldarov and Matlab Hasanov, accused in the same case, reports. At the trial, chaired by Judge Emin Mehdiyev, a decision was announced according to which the complaint was not satisfied. F. Eldarov and M. Hasanov were sentenced to five, and S. Nasirov – to eight years and six months in prison. The preventive measure in the form of police supervision against M. Hasanov was canceled, he was arrested in the courtroom. The Baku Court of Appeal did not satisfy their complaint. The Supreme Court returned the case to a lower court for review. All three were charged under Article 312 (bribery) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

S. Nasirov already has one criminal record. In 2018, he was found guilty of fraud amounting to more than 150,000 manats. At the same time, by order of the Prosecutor General, a criminal case was initiated based on the materials of the official investigation. S. Nasirov was expelled from the supervisory body, and a preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen against him.

The Baku Serious Crimes Court sentenced the former prosecutor to two years of probation with a probationary period; he was released in the courtroom.

S. Nasirov’s appeal and cassation complaints against the first judgement were not satisfied.

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